ABOUT Badboss

Picture Badboss


Badboss is so far out from your traditional rap artist, its awesome! The boundaries he manages to break are incredible. Whether hes tackling racist Youtubers or posting confession vlogs about his foot fetish, Badboss makes for an interesting candidate in the rap world. Badboss became really interested in pursuing music around 12, but hid it from his parents. It wasnt really condoned in the household. However, by the time his freshman year in high school came Sam Massey began taking songwriting lessons and joining freestyle sessions at his lunch room in the academy. Badboss quickly gained popularity as a different type of rapper. He was always light on his feet, easy on the punch, and upright awesome with his verses. Kids all over his school remember him for his elite status in school. He was always a socialite.

As classmate T. Maharaj stated "Sam is just everywhere, I love him." Whether he was upstairs in the library working on new songs, or downstairs showing off his awesome flows everyone knew Sam, thats just how social he was. Sam Massey, now fresh out of high school is an 18 yr. old super star in the making. His musical concept is relatively different from most rap artists and he literally stands above the crowd. With his new title as The Famous FootBoy of YT! Badboss is making moves so he can finally have the big break he deserves in the music industry, while giving his awesome fans some awesomeness to bump their heads to.